This publication has been produced with the financial support of the DAPHNE Programme of the European Union.
Daphne's objectives and tools
The focus of the Daphne III programme is on:
- assisting and encouraging NGOs and other organisations active in this field;
- developing and implementing targeted awareness-raising actions;
- disseminating results obtained under the previous Daphne Programmes;
- identifying and enhancing actions contributing to positive treatment of people at risk of violence;
- setting up and supporting multidisciplinary networks;
- ensuring the expansion of the knowledge base and exchange, identification and dissemination of information and good practice;
- designing and testing awareness-raising and educational materials, and supplementing and adapting those already available;
- studying phenomena related to violence and its impact;
- developing and implementing support programmes for victims and people at risk, and intervention programmes for perpetrators.
The programme will achieve its objectives by means of transnational actions.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Fatima Project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.