FATIMA project aims to combat and prevent honour related violence (HRV). HRV includes female genital mutilation, forced or early marriage or forced sexual relationships, honour crimes committed against women, young people and children. FATIMA’s goal will be achieved through education and awareness raising on European Conventions on Human Rights, Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and UN Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women motivating behavioral changes.
The aim of the project is to facilitate a social dialogue among immigrant groups with patriarchal attitudes and culture, by training people from relevant ethnic minority NGOs and equipping them with training materials on human rights and rights of women and children. The dialogue will incorporate direct participation of the communities, including targeted awareness-raising, education, specialised training of key professionals as well as promotion of dialogue within practicing communities.
The purpose of the project is to increase the capacity within ethnic minority NGOs for carrying out awareness raising and educational campaign for establishing a social dialogue concerning HRV. The capacity building will be achieved by:
- Developing professional profile for ethnic minority NGOs and individuals for working against HRV.
- Developing training material based on the European and UN Conventions on Human Rights and the Rights of the Child.
- Developing guidelines for cross-sectoral co-operation and networking between ethnic minority NGOs and other stakeholders (authorities, schools, police and social welfare / healthcare) concerning HRV.
- Train ethnic minority NGOs in fundraising, project management and sustainability regarding work against HRV.
Finally, it aims to establish a European network among ethnic minority NGOs in different member states for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, experiences and best practices, regarding HRV. FATIMA’s main objective is to contribute to the awareness raising effort to highlight the importance to take preventive measures against HRV.
The FATIMA consortium consist of organizations from four European countries (Greece, Sweden, Portugal, United Kingdom), that have been chosen in accordance with the project’s aims. All of them have research expertise on violence against women and gender equality issues. All partners have wide experience in working with ethnic minority NGOs with regards to social integration, elaboration and implementation of training packages for ethnic minority NGOs. All of them work on a daily basis in collaboration with other organizations (private & public) and Networks in local, national and European level, which will help the project effectiveness and results sustainability.